Wednesday, August 12, 2009

fucking asshole

my brother is so stupid. I think he just makes my life harder. or maybe he just makes everyone's life harder. I think he should just shut the fuck up right now and stop complaining before I slap him. How hard is it to brush your teeth? Why does he have to be so damn annoying. Every single time I try to help, I just make things worse. Try to tell your brother to go brush his teeth, but guess what, you get yelled at your dad for telling him to go brush it. Thanks. fml

Your mood can affect someone else's mood without knowing it. It's so easy to be grumpy and mad once you see someone else is. What's so hard is trying to keep a positive attitude through it all and trying to help that person to be happy again. Not saying we should be happy all the time, just that we should be aware of how we're feeling and what kind of mood we're displaying to everyone else.

yes I think about these things even when I'm mad.

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