Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer 2009

whoo it's summer! well it was like last week, but I've been busy(lazy..) with the green cooking class that I took. It was pretty fun and made some delicious pesto :) but to start off my blog this is a list of things I wish to accomplish;maybe not all by the summer but by the time I graduate.

01. Get my permit
02. Buy a ukelele and learn how to play it
03. Learn how to ride a bike
04. Make a video of my friends
05. Get better clothes for school or in general
06. Volunteer or get a job
07. Play basketball and volleyball
08. Go to a concert and eat garlic fries
09. Travel to places that I never go to, even if it's still in California
10. Take lots of pictures
11. Blog in my blog very often
12 Get a 4.0 both semesters senior year
13. Receive that award at school
14. Make LVY the best ever this year
15. Hang out with my cousins and go on a trip together
16. Have a potluck with friends
17. Eat more fruits and veggies and less junk food
18. Know what I want to do in life (haha..)
19. Go ice skating and bowling
20. Have a party with all the old school people
21. Get decent eyeglasses that I will every day or contacts
22. Clean up my room and make it look nice
23. Exercise 3 times a week
24. Make a scrapbook
25. Make money and pay back Alyssa
26. Hang out with Cassandra and Jocelyn
27. Go to Disneyland
28. Get a spring-form pan to make a better cheesecake
29. Make the most delicious cupcakes
30. Be proud of myself

not the most exciting list, but that's it for now.. I'll add more later

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